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On February 2021, FOCUS-MEDIA Fund and the Citi Fund launched a new stage of the project “Expanding Access to Employment for Vulnerable Youth in Russia”. The updated online learning platform “My Career” http://career4me.ru/ became available.

The number of required courses has changed. Now there are 6 instead of 8. The content has been updated according to the latest employment trends. The visual imagery has become more attractive. Homework and tests have also been updated. Courses “Time Management”, “Financial Literacy”, “How to Start Your Own Business”, and “Employment for Young Mothers” have become available. That will help active young people to make their careers in the field of entrepreneurship.

We will continue to train teachers to work with the platform and conduct master classes, quests, business games, organize internships and excursions to enterprises. My Career program aims to develop soft skills and feel confident in the job search and employment.

This year another unique component Journey “My Career” has been added. It is a program for young leaders – mentors. The program will be led by young people who have successfully studied at the online platform. They will become the Journey facilitators and will share their knowledge to other young people: how to become successful, build a career, understand their dreams and wishes. They will help to practice different models of behavior in a safe space and understand their own motivation for professional growth.

Regional teams of mentors will be formed in 2021. The participants of the programme such as students and graduates of colleges and technical schools, university students note that My Career platform is unique and universal and helps to develop leadership qualities. That is why they want to take an active part in the project and become “role models” for their peers, sharing knowledge and skills.

Trainings for mentors in the frames of the Journey “My Career” program were held on February 15-19 and March 1-5. 24 young people took part in the training in Nizhny Novgorod and 21 in Yekaterinburg. During the 5-day training, young people managed to do a lot: they learned about the online platform “My Career”, studied the topics “I am a specialist”, “Me and the team”, “Me and work”. On the fourth and fifth day they were trained to conduct trainings with real students. They also conducted the programme’s first and second meetings on their own. Everyone noted that it was a positive experience that will help to develop communication skills, become more confident and successful in the future.