The long-awaited face-to-face meeting of partners of the project “Complex programme of vulnerable youth support in reproductive health and social well-being” was held on the 17-19th of July. 18 representatives from Nizhniy Novgorod, Rostov, and Sverdlovsk Region took part in it.
16 zoom-conferences, online meetings, and calls have been held for the last two months before the meeting. Our work was very productive. Colleagues have learned the goals and aims of the project, methods and approaches of project implementation, and completed training on CBPR.
We confirmed that nothing could be substituted by face-to-face contact. The participants as if got acquainted again. They shared their personal experience, engaged with the colleagues from their region, and gave their consideration to procedures. The result of the meeting was the conduction of the plan for the near future and better understanding of the project development perspectives.
Positive feedback from the participants was the main reward for us. Expectations were fulfilled, everybody came back with inspiration and new knowledge.