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A refresh training for Champions took place at STEP Center for Social Rehabilitation, Nizhny Novgorod on the 23-25th of January. Communication skills are an essential part of successful facilitators, despite of an educational program they manage. Our goal was to develop these skills among the previously trained facilitators. It was a success.

During the training 12 Champions worked through the issues on potential conflicts that may arise in the course of communication and ways to resolve them. Active listening is an essential skill for a successful program facilitator. A number of exercises were conducted to help develop active listening skills in practice. “I-statement” skill development was given special attention during the training. During the refresh training it is important to assess yourself, determine your strong and weak points, and to understand how to speak and make yourself being heard.

This training was held within the framework of the project “Dissemination of best practices in providing HIV / AIDS services to key groups among young people” with the support of “AIDS FOUNDATION EAST-WEST”, www.afewrussia.ru.