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Women living with HIV face many challenges, especially during pregnancy and childbirth when they are particularly vulnerable. They are often shy to ask questions to their doctor, or recall their questions only afterwards, and doctors are sometimes unfriendly towards them. To help women with HIV, our online platform of free doctor friendly counseling was launched on the 1st of December, 2020. On womanplus.info platform specialists on infectious disease, gynecologists, pediatricians, a psychologist, peer counselors, and a lawyer provide counseling. Women from all over the country now have the access to qualified help.


In September 2021 we summarised the interim results of the platform:

the total number of visitors was 3 062

registered: 519

counseling provided to: 353

specialists working at the platform: 9


Infectious diseases doctors and gynecologists are the most demanded. Psychologists are on the 3d place. A lawyer and a peer counselor are not less popular. A pediatrician has recently joined the team, but he is already actively providing consultations. The results show that the work of our platform WOMANPLUS.INFO is important and effective.

We would like to take this opportunity to create a fundraising event to support this important service for women with HIV.


We are very grateful for your support!

Women created a video clip for women